Friday, March 6, 2009

The Castrating Catastrophe!

So...Have you ever had one of those days?  The day that begins with, "Hey Doc, I have a few colts for you to castrate. Can you give me a deal?" Let's just say that this has been a huge learning experience, and for the record, don't ever negotiate in the middle of the road.  

Let me start at the beginning.

The other morning I was sitting at a red light when I turned my head to see a gentleman waving me to roll my window down.  "Hey Doc, how much to cut a colt?"  About that time the light turned green. The next light stopped us again.  "Hey Doc, how much to cut 3 colts?"  I jumped out of the truck and handed the fella my card. The light turned green and my phone rang.  

I agreed to a multiple horse discount and the deal was done.

A few days later I found my way to his place.  It was conveniently located on the Moon up a 6 mile switchback gravel road at a 45 degree grade.  My truck asked me several times why were we doing this?  As I pulled up three horses were anxiously tied to the hitch rail.   The gentleman explained that one had been handled some, good to know.  

The problem was that none of them were interested in being touched, must less castrated!  

I will "cut" to the chase, but needless to say, one castration went fine, one went okay, and one was a complete disaster, complete with a thorough stomping of me, and my equipment.  

My steel bucket will never be the same...

In the end I survived, and so far, so have the "three gelded amigos."  My body is still a little achy, but that too will pass, at some point...

The moral of the story is to never make deals in the middle of a busy intersection, and always ask more questions.